2019年2月17日 星期日


TodaY 's kids are the entrepreneurs, inventors, leaders and digital winners of TomorroW.  
But , the way that many children are being prepared  now for an increasingly complex world is woefully :< inadequate in terms of the ability to THINK CREATIVELY. 

Totally understand that EDUCATIONAL REFORM takes time, but at least we can acting RIGHT now is by Re-THINKING the way we PARENT , MENTOR and COACH kids. 

One of the problems in HK (even the modern world ) is that the toy industry swamps kids with Pre-Built IMAGINATION. When most of us were kids, if you wanted to dress-up you went to the dress-up box. But today you can go to the toy store and find princesses and Lego castles. It is ready made. So we need to do less of that –I am not saying don’t buy your kids any toys, but give them the dress-up box full of old clothes and stuff bought from the charity shop. 
Give them the paper and the paints at their fingertips. How many of us give kids a digital device when we visit a restaurant today – how about providing paper and coloring pencils instead? 
Kids also need some space. So try to create a space in your home for kids to build their stuff. And what we also have to understand is that if kids are going to be creative, they need to have that space over time. 


