2020年3月31日 星期二

【 大腦運動學 -- 七大要點㊙️ 】#BrainBouncy #正向心理

【 大腦運動學 -- 七大要點㊙️ 】
🏹 大腦和肌肉一樣, 需要被鍛鍊,都要奔馳。🥊
1️⃣: 失敗並非成功的相反,他是成功的一部分.

2️⃣: 提升大腦效能的基本原理, 便是持續地給予大腦新刺激
3️⃣:每當面對新的挑戰時,大腦會加速活動,創造新的神經元連結,連結愈多,腦袋會越來越聰明,成長型心態模式(🍊GROWTH mindset) 是可以被訓練和塑造的。
6️⃣:只要動動腦筋, 腦神經細胞會愈用愈強壯,腦神經元增生(🍊NEUROGENIESUS). 激活大腦中具有學習和記憶功能的海馬體產生新細胞。每當經歷失敗之後,腦細胞會知道原先那個方法是不行的,動動腦筋,讓腦細胞改走另外一條路,當出現第二個答案時 ,再動腦思考第三個,甚至更多可能性,漸漸深化正向思維。( POSITIVE MINDSET) 
7️⃣每次的鍛鍊, 都能活化和重塑大腦神經元(🍊NEUROPLASTICITY),他們會不斷的加強聯繫,與腦袋內不同區間的神經細胞進行新的連結(REWIRE),造就更多大腦灰質(🍊GRAY MATTER)成為越多,越緊密越複雜的網絡,人就會變得更聰明 

Let's challenge your limit , enjoy your ORANGE moment! 

2020年3月28日 星期六

因祂活著 I 我能面對明天


2020年3月27日 星期五

怏趣玩001🍊 Challenge Your Limits , Enjoy the ORANGE moment !

《 O. R. A. N. G. E. 》moment Optimistic 🌟 - Our future is bright and that’s why we are happy Refreshing 🍏 - We know how to relax and recharge ourselves Accompanying 🍒 - We come, to gather Natural🥝 - Be authentic, be yourself Generous 🍍 - It is more blessed to give than to receive Enthusiastic🍓 - Because we want to share happiness with you! 🍊Knowing Us : BRAIN BOUNCY 🍊 We are a group of educators believing in the innate learning abilities of children. We are promoting happiness, especially the happiness in natural learning process, we named it 🍊O.R.A.N.G.E.🍊 moment. By introducing a series of challenging games rooted from Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity theories, the players will naturally strengthen their various cognitive skills, say, concentration and movement coordination. Meanwhile, the challenge will also raise their AQ (Adversity Quotient) quietly as all players will face failure in the games, but they will then immediately keep trying it over and over again. Very soon, they have been implanted an important concept, “The more you practice, the better outcome you can have”. This is one of the basic elements in building the positive thinking attitude and growth mindset Our programme aims at helping players become positive learners, who will deem failure as a stepping stone and see persistence as the key to uncovering their own genius. Let’s ignite every child’s spark of learning. “Be the Light" Join us, take the challenge and let us find everything interesting like a child. Challenge Your Limits , Enjoy the ORANGE moment ! #BrainBouncyChallenge 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊 Fb: https://www.facebook.com/BrainBouncy/ IG: https://instagram.com/brainbouncy?igs... Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaW-... web: www.stephen7.com/brainbouncy


《怏趣玩002 🍊 》 Fail ,. Fail again , Fail better ! Challenge Your Limits , Enjoy the ORANGE moment !

《怏趣玩002 🍊 》 Fail ,. Fail again , Fail better ! Challenge Your Limits , Enjoy the ORANGE moment ! 《 O. R. A. N. G. E. 》moment Optimistic 🌟 - Our future is bright and that’s why we are happy Refreshing 🍏 - We know how to relax and recharge ourselves Accompanying 🍒 - We come, to gather Natural🥝 - Be authentic, be yourself Generous 🍍 - It is more blessed to give than to receive Enthusiastic🍓 - Because we want to share happiness with you! 🍊Knowing Us I Brain Bouncy 🍊 We are a group of educators believing in the innate learning abilities of children. We are promoting happiness, especially the happiness in natural learning process, we named it 🍊O.R.A.N.G.E.🍊 moment. By introducing a series of challenging games rooted from Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity theories, the players will naturally strengthen their various cognitive skills, say, concentration and movement coordination. Meanwhile, the challenge will also raise their AQ (Adversity Quotient) quietly as all players will face failure in the games, but they will then immediately keep trying it over and over again. Very soon, they have been implanted an important concept, “The more you practice, the better outcome you can have”. This is one of the basic elements in building the positive thinking attitude and growth mindset Our programme aims at helping players become positive learners, who will deem failure as a stepping stone and see persistence as the key to uncovering their own genius. Let’s ignite every child’s spark of learning. “Be the Light" Join us, take the challenge and let us find everything interesting like a child. Challenge Your Limits , Enjoy the ORANGE moment ! #BrainBouncyChallenge 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊 Fb: https://www.facebook.com/BrainBouncy/ IG: https://instagram.com/brainbouncy?igs... Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaW-... web: www.stephen7.com/brainbouncy

又一力作 #怏趣玩 Brain Bouncy

#BrainBouncy #PositiveMindset #AQ #怏趣玩 #大腦神經元科學

2020年3月22日 星期日







stressed 這個字從後面倒過來拼寫,就是desserts嗎?
「Stressed is just desserts if you can reverse.」

Love God , we can FLY .
#ARTissionary  #STRESSED_DESSERTS  #正向心理

2020年3月14日 星期六

《 REDISCOVER . not just a mask 》

《 REDISCOVER . not just a mask 》

With the worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus, we are confronted once more with the fragility of our lives, and again we are reminded of our common humanity — that the peoples of this world are our brothers and sisters, that we are all one family under God.
God does not abandon us, he goes with us even now in this time of trial and testing. In this moment, it is important for us to anchor our hearts in the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. Now is the time to intensify our prayers and sacrifices for the love of God and the love of our neighbor. Let us draw closer to one another in our love for him, and REDISCOVER the things ( I do hope not just a mask) that truly matter in our lives.

#socialWEdia #reDISCOVER

2020年3月8日 星期日

Cultural Intelligence I Working Confidently in Different Cultures #CQ

Cultural Intelligence

Working Confidently in Different Cultures

Today's workplaces are more multicultural than ever, and it's normal to work with people from many different places and backgrounds. This has opened up many new opportunities – but it's also created some challenges.
Cultural differences aren't just about nationality, ethnicity or belief. Many of us work in multigenerational organizations, alongside younger or older colleagues who have cultural references, assumptions and attitudes that are very different from our own. And cultural clashes can even emerge between departments and teams in the same organization.

All of this means that we need to be better at understanding and operating in a wide variety of cultures. That's where Cultural Intelligence, or also CQ, comes in.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to recognize and adapt to cultural differences. It can give you the confidence to operate successfully in a wide range of settings.
Culture doesn't just refer to nationality, ethnicity or religion. It can also apply to social groups, business organizations, and the departments, age groups and teams within them.
CQ combines head (knowledge and understanding), body (actions), and heart (confidence and commitment).
People with high CQ use all three of these elements to monitor and moderate their actions. Without making quick judgments, or falling back on stereotypes, they can interpret what's happening in any cultural setting and adjust their behavior accordingly.
According to author Dr David Livermore, culturally intelligent people exhibit:
  1. CQ Drive: The motivation to learn about new cultures.
  2. CQ Knowledge: Understanding how cultures influence what people say and do.
  3. CQ Strategy: Having a plan to respond to cultural differences.
  4. CQ Action: Behaving in culturally-sensitive ways, including handling any difficulties that arise.
All in all, 
people with high EQ pick up on people's feelings, wants and needs, and understand how their own emotions and behavior affect others. But they need additional skills if they're to understand the cultural factors at play and adapt their own behavior accordingly.
Developing your CQ allows you to be attuned to the values, beliefs and attitudes of people from different cultures, and to respond with informed empathy and real understanding. 

2020年3月1日 星期日

So Do I ? #悔罪

