2019年5月31日 星期五

參與植堂 I 願你的旨意成就在地,如同成就在天 .

回味 I 感恩

Light Up Dream !~ #lightupDream

Little girl with DREAMS become women with VISION .

Work Hard Dream Big Never GiveUp


2019年5月30日 星期四

2019年5月28日 星期二



Over-scheduling children during the summer is unnecessary and could ultimately keep kids from from discovering what 
truly interests them.
If parents spend all their time filling up their child’s spare time, then the child’s never going to learn to do this for themselves.


BOREDOM is crucial for developing
 “internal stimulus,” 
which then allows TRUE CREATIVITY. 


Brain Bouncy Challenge I Geniuses all we are


2019年5月26日 星期日

Brain Bouncy Challenge

我們將這些神經元稱之為 潛能細胞
自新生兒脫離母體誕生的瞬間起,就開始靠五感接受刺激。大腦會從這些刺激接收資訊,並擴展蔓延腦細胞分支。換句話說,嬰兒正是透過皮膚接觸、藉由眼睛看、聽聲音、用舌頭碰觸等來接觸各種事物,接受更多的刺激,使得大腦細胞長出更多的分支,最後就會發展為其 個性 與 能力。 
過了嬰兒期,孩子們便要靠一些簡單刺激的"遊戲" 去激發出 專注力,好讓位他們在 快樂 中提升各種 認知能力。
BRAIN BOUNCY CHALLENGE  便是積極推動及研發如何透過新奇刺激好玩的快樂學習遊戲,旨在銳意為在這競爭激烈的世代,孩子們在沉重的讀書壓力中,帶出心一絲曙光,
light up their lives.
Geniuses We All Are !



2019年5月25日 星期六

2019年5月24日 星期五

Spiritual Discipline

One of the characteristic of spiritual disciplines is that they are activities. They are not attitudes. Disciplines are practices. Spiritual disciplines are things you do. They are not character qualities. They are not graces. They are not the fruit of the Spirit. They are things you do.
So you read the Bible. That is something you do. That is a spiritual discipline. You meditate on Scripture. Your pray, fast, worship, serve, learn, and so forth. These are activities. Now the goal of practicing any given discipline is not about doing as much as it is about being: being like Jesus, being with Jesus. But the biblical way to grow in being more like Jesus is through the rightly motivated doing of the biblical, spiritual disciplines.
The key verse in all this is 1 Timothy 4:7, which says, “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” (NASB). The goal is godliness, but the biblical means to that is to discipline yourself by the power of the Holy Spirit rightly motivated. We are to discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness. The practical ways of doing that are things that you do.
Strictly speaking, joy is not a spiritual discipline. That is the fruit or the result of discipline done rightly. So it is that distinction between doing and being. And the spiritual disciplines are about doing. You can do them as a Pharisee. You can do them wrongly motivated. But rightly motivated, they are things that we are to do in order to be like Jesus, to be with Jesus.

The Lords' Prayer

人種的是甚麼 I 收的也是甚麼

加拉太書 6:7 

國際差會x聖經翻譯x網絡媒體宣教 #上帝聽禱告

三天內竟然能與漢語聖經協會和OM世界福音動員會 兩位 掌舵人 一起見面,和探討如何在網絡媒體事工上可以合作和突破的方向,確實非常之興奮☝️🏽

2019年5月22日 星期三




當羅浮宮金字塔與地下入口大堂建成後,法國人卻愛上了設計,連五年前恥笑過它「荒謬」的《費加羅報》(Le Figaro),也改口稱讚「金字塔非常美麗」。如今法國人對羅浮宮金字塔的喜愛,跟巴黎鐵塔已不相伯仲。「如果有一件事我知道自己沒做錯,那就是羅浮宮。」


The Lord's Prayer #prayer

Prayer is more than presenting to God what we need or want. He already knows what we need before we ask. Prayer gives us the opportunity to open up to God what is going on in our hearts and let Him change us. It’s not sitting on Santa’s lap and asking for all we want. It’s more like a child opening up to their parent so they can get to the reason behind the want and help them grow. 

Prayer is powerful because it can changes us.

Go pray. Give God your heart. 
Not some neat little prayer of what you think God wants to hear. Say what’s really on your heart. Be real, be authentic, be vulnerable. Open yourself up to the creator of the universe so that He can move in your life.
When we open ourselves up to God we get so much more than what we think we need. We get what only God can give us, what we truly need. 

Prayer changes us.


2019年5月18日 星期六


穆斯林群體 可算是現今我們作為基督徒要重點傳福音的未聞福音群體
如果要我們入去他們嘅國家包括印尼 ( 全球最多穆斯林的地方) ,
其實是非常困難。反之,在香港,其實有好多穆斯林, 她們不是工人姐姐。
她們在這裏是有家庭的,是全職媽媽的, 也是很有知識的。
我嘗試用另一個角度去接觸她們, 用綠色藝術文化去切入她們的原有生活,
這樣便能夠有機會(很自然地)接觸她們多啲, 若能建立關係及 認識彼此文化差異後, 
便能進一步 跟她們分享耶穌基督的寶貴救恩。 


亞波羅算什麼?保羅算什麼?無非是執事,照主所賜給他們各人的,引導你們相信。 我栽種了,亞波羅澆灌了,唯有神叫他生長。 可見栽種的算不得什麼,澆灌的也算不得什麼,只在那叫他生長的神。

2019年5月16日 星期四

be godly parents #SHYchology

Sin is the problem.
Christ is the answer.

Parents' primary goal is not to bring up godly children, but to be godly parents.
