2018年5月31日 星期四

6Ps I Six Personal Leadership Habits That Will Ignite Your Ministry I 6Ps

1 , Prioritize Spiritual Formation
Practice the spiritual disciplines. Worship. Stay in the Word & in prayer daily. Pursue personal spiritual formation. Let your ministry flow from your own spiritual life…not the other way around.

2 , Protect Your Family
“You cannot sacrifice your family on the altar of your ministry.”

3 , Place Faithfulness Over Results
Results are not God’s highest priority. Faithfulness is.
Being faithful to what God has called you to do is your highest priority.

4 , Promote Vision
Make sure that you share the vision with potential leaders. Make sure that your facilities, your program, your systems and procedures, your staff meetings, your training, your…everything!…is pointed straight at that defined, clear and compelling vision.

5 , Pursue Leaders, Not Followers
pursue leaders with an invitation to invest in that grand, clear and compelling vision.

6 , People, People, People
as a leader is to invest in people…to equip and develop people to pursue the ministry vision…period.

