2020年4月28日 星期二

《 morning 🍀》

《 morning 🍀

When you have a positive mind – especially in the morning to start your day – you are allowing that positive mind to nurture happiness and health for the remainder of your day.

How can you accomplish positive thinking? You can start with your positive affirmations for the day, focus on everything good – big and small – and focus on the present. Adopting a positive mindset can set you up for your entire day.
Starting your morning the right way takes a lot of things to accomplish. One of the most important is starting the day with your heart filled with love. 
Indeed , we love because HE first loves us.

2020年4月22日 星期三


We were born to die and we die to live. 
As seedlings of God, 
we barely blossom on earth; 
we fully flower in heaven.


#GiveThanks 🧡


《 Give Thanks 》

Verses all through the Bible point us back to God as our Creator and Sustainer, 
and how we are to be a thankful people. The list of things we could praise Him for is endless. 

 “Let us come before him with Thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. 
For the Lord is the great God, the great king above all gods”
 (Psalm 95:2-3).

《 Give Thanks 》
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given
Jesus Christ His Son
And now Let the weak say ‘I am strong,’
Let the poor say ‘I am rich,’
Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks. Give thanks.

#Give_THANKS #歡欣_心裡感謝神 

2020年4月17日 星期五




#福音動畫 的再思



能夠捉緊箇中玄機,便能迎刃而解 。以吸引人目光的萬變創意 ,去啟發人去思考永恆不變的真理,妙哉妙哉 !~ 

在網絡媒體年代,新媒體是一工具,將我們與世界結連。深深明白宣教絕不能忽略跨文化場景,但網絡世界是一大平台,沒有跨境與否之分。福音動畫短片可以是一種宣教工具,但更重要的是使訊息進入另一文化世界觀,以致對象可明白福音的核心內容。正如聖經教導 ,
勸戒各人 教導各人

Let's be faithful !~ 

2020年4月12日 星期日

正向心理屬靈觀002 #NotYet

Carolyn Dweck, a professor at Stanford University, did a fascinating study she called the “Power of Yet.” 🧡 Her work gives profound insight into the difference between a fixed, pass/fail mindset and the realm of not yet and endless possibilities. I believe it is a powerful insight into what happens in the middle of what we perceive to be an “stuck” season ( spirituality) .

I love this idea very much,  because in a traditional classroom a failing grade would far too often define the student in life. But Not Yet was a learning curve that gave them a path into the future.

The Not Yet mentality changes the way one thinks. Studies show every time someone pushes out of his or her comfort zone to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in their brain start building new and stronger connections processing the resistance, correcting and learning from it.
This happens because the meaning of effort and difficulty is transformed. Before, difficulty and resistance or a pass/fail mindset will make you feel like giving up. But now, looking at resistance with the growth mindset of endless possibilities your brain creates new neural connections; you actually become smarter by looking at the difficulty from a different perspective. Perhaps your difficulty and resistance in the middle is a growth mindset classroom that is making YOU smarter. That resistance you’re feeling—the weight of the difficulty—that feeling of being “stuck” is not a distraction from the dream; it is the path to the dream. It is designed by God to build fortitude, mastery, and inner strength. Inner strength is what creates external power.

What if we all looked at the wait consistently as a Not Yet Zone, rather than through the eyes of whether we pass or fail? How would that change everything? Not only would your faith grow to the next level, but you’d become smarter, because that’s how God designed the process! Resistance training is essential to building muscle. It’s definitely painful, but we have to choose it if we want to build muscle capacity to carry weight to become the leaders God has called us to be.

「We were given this hope when we were saved. (If we already have something, we don’t need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently.)」《Romans‬ ‭8:24-25‬ ‭NLT》‬‬ . Where there is no struggle, there is no strength. Even an airplane has to experience resistance airflow to take off. What you consider a failure is actually designed to build into you what you need to walk out the promise God has for you. God uses everything, the good, the bad and the ugly, and he isn’t confined to your perfectly planned out life. Perspective is everything. How you view the waiting process is everything. And it’s fascinating to discover what happens during the wait, when it’s not yet time.

「“Come on, let’s go back to GOD. He hurt us, but he’ll heal us. He hit us hard, but he’ll put us right again. In a couple of days we’ll feel better. By the third day he’ll have made us brand-new, Alive and on our feet, fit to face him. We’re ready to study GOD, eager for God-knowledge. As sure as dawn breaks, so sure is his daily arrival. He comes as rain comes, as spring rain refreshing the ground.”」Hosea‬ ‭6:1-3‬ ‭MSG‬‬

#EASTER2020 #NotYet

正向心理屬靈觀#001 #正向屬靈領袖









Cheers . Be Shiny Be Happy Be You ~
#LightUpLife #正向心理 #屬靈領袖

Ukulele #STEAM

Unique ukulele #Unikulele DIY自砌這夏威夷小結他後,急不及待地即興為它塗上獨一無二的迷彩軍綠色 (即興創作 Improvisation ) , 再在其表面創作及設計上聖經新舊約共66卷書的書名 ,成為獨一無二的 UNIKULELE 。 Yes , love GOD , we can FLY. ARTissionary


2020年4月11日 星期六

Unikulele #UniqueUkulele

Unique ukulele #Unikulele DIY自砌這夏威夷小結他後,
急不及待地即興為它塗上獨一無二的迷彩軍綠色 (即興創作 Improvisation ) , 
再在其表面創作及設計上聖經新舊約共66卷書的書名 ,
成為獨一無二的 UNIKULELE 。

Yes , love GOD , we can FLY. ARTissionary

2020年4月5日 星期日


" GOD is the ONE & ONLY Brand. " 史蒂芬

《品牌與使命》 創新是一種實踐, 創意是一個意念, 品牌便是一個 把使命實踐的意念延伸. 建立一個有持續影響力的創新品牌, 能對社會產生無限的正能量和反思, 而品牌本身的文化和情懷也會流露出 造物主奇妙的創造和美意, 故有效的品牌傳播和精準的定位 便是建立品牌的使命 .


" GOD is the ONE & ONLY Brand. " 史蒂芬

《品牌與使命》 創新是一種實踐, 創意是一個意念, 品牌便是一個 把使命實踐的意念延伸. 建立一個有持續影響力的創新品牌, 能對社會產生無限的正能量和反思, 而品牌本身的文化和情懷也會流露出 造物主奇妙的創造和美意, 故有效的品牌傳播和精準的定位 便是建立品牌的使命 .

DecisivePrayer 決志禱告英文版

 #決志禱告 #DecisivePrayer

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for loving me, 
And dying for me on the Cross while I was a sinner
I also believe that You were raised from the dead to give me a new life.
Today , I place my faith in You and accept You into my life. 
I believe I am delivered from the power of sin and death . 
I invited You to be the Saviour and Lord of my life as I learn to follow You. 
My life is made anew. And I am no longer the same as you guide and protect my every footstep.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, AMEN  



THINK , TALK , LIVE positively. 
1: start the day with positive affirmation.
2: find humor in bad situations.
3: turn failure into lessons. 
4: transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
5: focus on the present.
6: find positive friends & mentors.
7: dwell in gratitude. 

#正向心理 #positiveMindset

How positive mindset can help you? #正向心理

Developing a positive attitude can help you in more ways than you might realize. When you think positive thoughts, you don’t allow your mind (conscious or subconscious) to entertain any negative thoughts or doubts.
After you learn how to think positive, you will notice amazing changes all around you. Your brain will actually begin to operate in a state of free-flowing feel-good hormones called endorphins, which will make you feel lighter and happier. You’ll also notice a major boost in confidence and will feel more capable of taking on new assignments and challenges that might have previously been outside your comfort zone.
By reducing your self-limiting beliefs, you will effectively release your brakes and experience growth like you never imagined. Essentially, you can change your entire life simply by harnessing the power of positive thinking.

 #正向心理 #PositiveMindset